Contact Information for Social Workers:
Charles Spencer, J.T. Reddick, Len Lastinger, and Matt Wilson Elementary Schools:
April Holmes,
Annie Belle Clark, G.O. Bailey, Northside, and Omega Elementary Schools:
Thomas Stevens,
Eighth Street Middle School :
Susan Swift,
Northeast Middle School :
Nikea Wilcox,
Tift County High School :
Haley Dillard,
Sixth Street Academy and Horizon Academy:
Michael Norman,

The Tift County School Social Workers’ mission is to advocate within the home, school, and community in ways that empower and support all students to achieve educational success.
What does a School Social Worker do?
The School Social Worker works with schools, students and families to eliminate barriers to successful learning.
Develops and identifies resources for students and families
Assists families in crisis or those with emergency needs.
Acts as a liaison/link between the School, the home, and the community
The School Social Worker acts as liaison/link between the School, the Home, and the Community.
Advocates on behalf of children and families with agencies and community resources.
Consults with numerous community agencies including the following:
Juvenile Court
Department of Family and Children’s Services
Various Counseling Centers
Department of Juvenile Justice
Behavioral Health Services
Tift County Commission on Children and Youth
PattiCake House
Ruth’s Cottage
Brother Charlie’s