Compliance Director Log-in Instructions
New User Instructions (you are a new user if you did not register and create your account in a previous school year):
Step 1: Click on the link or type into your browser.
Step 2: Click on the “Register” button in the top right corner.
Step 3: Enter the information requested on the registration page. Your email address (preferably your work email) will become your username. You will create your own password. If you do not have a work email address, a personal email address may be used. Please check to be sure you typed both your username and your password correctly. If you mistype your email or your password during this step, you will not be able to login later when typing them in correctly.
You should remember your username and password.
The Tift County Keyword is Innovative. * This keyword is case sensitive*
Step 4: Once you are in your Dashboard, the modules are listed on the right. Click on the module you’d like to complete (your administration will have told you the modules to complete) and work your way through the module. Input your personal information at the end of the module and click “submit.” You will then find yourself back in your Dashboard, where you will see the modules you have completed on the left side of the page. Select the next module you wish to complete on the right side of the page and follow the same process until you have completed all the required modules.
To logout of your Dashboard, click on your name at the top of the page and click on “logout.”
Important: Once you begin a module, you must complete it in order to create your record of completion for that module. You cannot start, stop, and go back into the module where you left off at another time. You can log into and out of your Dashboard as often as you’d like to take new modules and to see or print a list of the modules you have completed.
**** You only need to register the first time you log into After you have registered your account in the program, you will input your username and password to log in thereafter.
If you experience difficulties with this process, please submit a SherpaDesk Technology ticket.
Instructions for those who registered and created an account in a previous school year:
Click on this link or type into your browser.
Use the “LOGIN” function and enter your username and password. Your username is an email address (most likely your work email) and you created your own password when you originally registered your account.
If you receive a login error message, check to make sure you have typed your email address correctly and then check to be sure you have input the correct password. The error message will highlight the username (email) box, but the error can be either the username or the password. If you cannot remember your password or if you continue to get a login error and you believe you have input the correct email, then use the “Forgot your password?” function to reset your password. The password reset is time sensitive, so go immediately to your email account and follow the email instructions to reset your password.
Compliance Director Modules
(All modules should be completed on or before August 2nd)
Standard Modules: (Must be completed by all employees)
Bloodborne Pathogens
Child Sexual Abuse & Assault Awareness & Prevention
Code of Ethics
Copyright for Schools
Ethical Use of Social Media
FERPA Data/Privacy
Human Sex Trafficking
Internet Safety
Mandated Reporting
Parental Rights
Sexual Harassment Awareness & Sexual Misconduct Reporting
Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Title IX Regulations and Information for K-12 Education
Custom Modules
Employee Handbook (All employees)
Emergency Preparedness Procedures (All employees)
Athletic Handbook (All coaches of GHSA high school sports and High School Administrators)
The Blue Book (Special Education Staff ONLY)